15 standing ovations, 79 applauses marked Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the joint session of the US Congress.

PM Modi Addresses US Congress, Strengthening India-US Relationship
In a momentous occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a speech to the joint sitting of the US Congress, marking his second appearance before the esteemed assembly. Expressing his gratitude to the 1.4 billion people of India, PM Modi acknowledged the presence of both familiar faces and new friends among the members of Congress.

Reflecting on his previous address seven years ago, PM Modi emphasized the significance of the present moment, as the world stands at a critical juncture. He highlighted the profound advancements in AI (Artificial Intelligence) while drawing attention to the remarkable collaboration between America and India, referring to it as another form of AI.
With a sense of appreciation, PM Modi acknowledged the unity between the two great democracies of India and the United States. He commended the democratic values that underpin both nations, emphasizing the importance of equality, dignity, debate, and discourse.

PM Modi further underscored the historical roots of democracy in India, describing it as the mother of democracy and emphasizing its integral role in shaping the nation's identity. Reflecting on India's recent celebration of 75 years of independence, he emphasized the significance of this milestone, which not only marked a celebration of democracy but also the nation's diversity.

Highlighting India's rich cultural heritage, PM Modi emphasized its status as the home to various faiths and celebrated the natural way of life that embraces diversity. He expressed the world's growing curiosity about India, which stems from its diverse and inclusive society.

In a testament to India's democratic fabric, PM Modi highlighted the presence of numerous political parties, multiple official languages, and the coexistence of various dialects. Despite this diversity, he emphasized the unity that binds the nation together.

PM Modi acknowledged the role of women in India's progress, pointing out the remarkable rise of women from humble backgrounds to positions of leadership. He emphasized India's commitment to sustainable development and its respect for the environment, aligning with the motto of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" – the world is one family.

Addressing the partnership between India and the United States, PM Modi highlighted the significant strides made in defense, space exploration, science, technology, trade, and more. He expressed his agreement with President Biden that their collaboration serves a larger purpose and has the potential to reach even greater heights.

PM Modi stressed the need for multilateralism and reform within global institutions to ensure better resources and representation for all nations. He called for a new world order based on international law and urged collective efforts to combat terrorism and radicalism, which continue to pose global threats.

Concluding his speech, PM Modi expressed his belief in the momentous future of the India-US relationship, emphasizing the importance of dialogue, diplomacy, and the pursuit of peace.

The speech by PM Modi served to reinforce the deepening ties between India and the United States, as both nations navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. The address highlighted shared values, collaboration, and a vision for a better world, as India and the United States work hand in hand to shape the future.