PM Modi Asserts India's Commitment to Democracy and Equality during Joint Press Conference with President Biden

US: During a joint press conference with United States President Joe Biden, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to a question concerning alleged discrimination against minorities in India. Prime Minister Modi firmly stated that democracy is ingrained in the spirit of India and is a fundamental principle enshrined in the country's Constitution. He emphasized that India staunchly opposes any form of discrimination based on caste or religion, and the nation's ethos revolves around the principles of "sabka saath, sabka vishwas, and sabka prayaas" - which translates to "together with all, everyone's trust, and everyone's effort."

Addressing concerns raised about the treatment of minorities in India, Prime Minister Modi reiterated India's unwavering commitment to upholding democratic values and ensuring equal rights for all citizens. He emphasized that the Indian Constitution serves as a safeguard against any form of discrimination and provides a robust framework to protect the rights and dignity of every individual, regardless of their caste, religion, or any other identity.

The Prime Minister's statement reinforces India's inclusive approach, which aims to foster unity, trust, and collaboration among diverse communities. By emphasizing "sabka saath, sabka vishwas, and sabka prayaas," Prime Minister Modi highlighted the collective efforts needed to build an inclusive and harmonious society, where every citizen's rights and aspirations are respected and protected.

India's diverse fabric comprises various religions, languages, and cultures, which are celebrated as a source of strength and unity. The nation's commitment to pluralism and secularism is deeply rooted in its historical and cultural heritage. Prime Minister Modi's response reiterates that the principles of democracy and equality are firmly embedded in India's collective consciousness.

The joint press conference between Prime Minister Modi and President Biden signifies the strong and enduring partnership between India and the United States. It provides an opportunity for both nations to exchange views and reinforce their shared commitment to democratic values, human rights, and inclusive governance.

As India continues to progress on its development trajectory, the government remains steadfast in its efforts to address any concerns and ensure that every citizen, irrespective of their background, enjoys the same rights and opportunities. Initiatives such as Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (Save the Girl Child, Educate the Girl Child), Jan Dhan Yojana (Financial Inclusion Program), and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) are clear demonstrations of India's commitment to promoting inclusivity, social welfare, and empowerment for all.

Prime Minister Modi's response serves as a reaffirmation of India's commitment to democracy, equality, and social justice. It emphasizes the government's dedication to creating an environment where every citizen can thrive, contribute to the nation's progress, and participate fully in the democratic processes that shape the country's future.