Disrespecting National Flag During Muharram: 18 Accused in Jharkhand

18 Individuals Booked for Tampering with National Flag During Muharram Procession in Jharkhand

Date: July 31, 2023
Medininagar,Jharkhand:  In a shocking incident during a Muharram procession, 18 individuals have been booked for allegedly tampering with the national flag in Jharkhand's Palamu district. The incident, which occurred in the Chainpur police station area, has drawn widespread attention and condemnation, sparking debates about respecting national symbols.

According to reports, the procession, held on Friday evening, wound through localities such as Shahpur, Kalyanpur, and Kankari as part of the solemn mourning festival. During the procession, DJs played music, and a "national flag" was prominently waved, initially appearing as a gesture of patriotism.

However, the situation took a concerning turn when a video of the procession surfaced on social media platforms, revealing that the flag had been tampered with. Instead of the Ashoka Chakra, a significant symbol representing India's cultural and historical heritage, some words in Urdu were inscribed in the center of the flag, with a sword mark at the bottom.

Upon discovering this disrespectful alteration, authorities acted swiftly. Additional Superintendent of Police (SP) Rishav Garg confirmed that an FIR (First Information Report) was lodged against the accused under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act. The FIR includes 18 individuals, 13 of whom have been identified by name.

"The colors of the flag remained the same as the national flag, but the omission of the Ashoka Chakra and the addition of Urdu words and a sword mark are blatant acts of disrespect to our national symbol," SP Garg emphasized.

The Preventions of Insults to National Honour Act is a crucial piece of legislation that seeks to protect the dignity and sanctity of national symbols. It imposes stringent penalties on those found guilty of desecrating or tampering with the national flag or any other symbol representing the country.

Chainpur police station in-charge Rupesh Kumar Dubey stated that intensive raids are underway to apprehend the accused individuals and bring them to justice. The investigation is being conducted with utmost priority to ensure a swift resolution to the case.

As the news of the incident spread, citizens and various organizations have expressed their outrage and demanded strict punishment for the offenders. Social media has been abuzz with discussions about respecting national symbols and the need for a collective sense of responsibility in safeguarding India's pride.

Incidents like these serve as reminders of the importance of promoting national unity and preserving the dignity of our national symbols. The national flag holds immense significance for the citizens of India, symbolizing the country's identity, history, and values.

This incident has sparked a nationwide conversation about the significance of upholding national pride and the consequences of disrespecting national symbols. Authorities are closely monitoring the developments of the case, and the accused will be given a fair trial to ensure justice is served.

The incident in Jharkhand serves as a reminder that the love and respect for the national flag go beyond mere symbolism. It represents the collective strength and unity of a nation that is built on the sacrifices of its people. As the investigation progresses, the nation awaits the fair and just resolution of the case and hopes that such incidents are not repeated in the future.