India Achieves Historic Milestone in Eliminating Drugs, Destroys 1 Million Kilograms Worth Rs.12,000 Crore in One Year

India's strong resolve and relentless pursuit of a drug-free nation applauded at the Regional Conference on Drug Trafficking and National Security

India celebrated a monumental achievement in its fight against drug trafficking as 1,44,000 kilograms of seized drugs were destroyed, setting a historic milestone. This accomplishment adds to India's remarkable record of destroying 1 million kilograms of drugs worth Rs.12,000 crore within a span of just one year.

The Regional Conference on Drug Trafficking and National Security served as the platform to showcase India's resolute determination and unwavering commitment to combating the drug menace. The achievement symbolizes the Ministry of Home Affairs' (MHA) relentless pursuit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of a drug-free India.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah expressed his heartfelt congratulations to the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and Anti-Narcotics Task Forces (ANTFs) for their extraordinary efforts in accomplishing this monumental feat. Their dedication and perseverance in tackling the drug crisis have yielded remarkable results and are deserving of applause.

The destruction of 1,44,000 kilograms of seized drugs demonstrates India's unwavering stance against drug trafficking and its commitment to protect its citizens from the harmful effects of narcotics. The confiscated drugs, valued at an estimated Rs.12,000 crore, were disposed of as a resolute step towards eradicating the drug trade and safeguarding the nation's youth from the clutches of addiction.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of a drug-free India has been a driving force behind the MHA's comprehensive strategies and initiatives to combat drug trafficking. The significant milestone achieved reflects the collective efforts and synergy between various law enforcement agencies and the government's commitment to creating a safer and healthier society.

The successful outcome is a testament to India's robust legal framework, intelligence network, and collaborative approach in curbing drug trafficking. It serves as a powerful deterrent to those involved in the illicit drug trade and sends a clear message that India remains steadfast in its mission to dismantle drug cartels and protect its citizens.

The Regional Conference on Drug Trafficking and National Security provided an ideal platform to showcase India's achievements and share best practices in tackling the global drug challenge. The event served as a catalyst for further international collaboration and cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking.

As India celebrates this historic milestone, it reinforces the nation's determination to create a society free from the devastating impact of drugs. The tireless efforts of the NCB and ANTFs, coupled with the strong leadership of the government, have paved the way for a safer and healthier future for all Indians.

The remarkable feat accomplished by India in eliminating drugs sets a benchmark for other nations to emulate. It serves as a shining example of what can be achieved through collective action, strong enforcement, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of the people.

The destruction of 1 million kilograms of drugs worth Rs.12,000 crore underscores India's firm resolve to create a drug-free society. The nation stands united in its fight against drug trafficking and remains dedicated to safeguarding its citizens and future generations from the devastating consequences of narcotics.