Railways Slaps Notices on Delhi's Bengali Market Masjid and Takia Babbar Shah: Removal Ordered Within 15 Days!

Railways Serve Notices to Two Major Mosques in Delhi
Delhi: The Indian Railways has issued notices to two prominent mosques in Delhi - Bangali Market Mosque and Takiya Babar Shah Mosque. According to the notice issued by the Northern Railways on 22nd July 2023, both mosques have encroached upon railway land. The authorities have asked the mosque administrations to remove the encroachments within 15 days, failing which necessary action will be taken.

The notice specifically states, "The railway land has been encroached upon by unauthorized buildings/temples/mosques/dargahs. You are requested to voluntarily remove the unauthorized construction from railway land within 15 days from the date of this notice, failing which the railway administration will take necessary action as per Railway Act. You will be solely responsible for any loss incurred during this process, and the railway administration will not be held accountable."

The notice has created a stir among the local community as the mosques have historical significance and are an integral part of their religious practices. The mosque committees claim that these structures have been in existence for hundreds of years and were transferred through legal agreements to the Delhi Wakf Board in 1945.

Earlier this year in April, Bangali Market Mosque witnessed part of its structure being demolished during a joint campaign conducted by the Land and Development Office (L&DO), New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), and the Central Public Works Department (CPWD). A wall was removed during the campaign, which led to a disagreement between the authorities and the mosque administrators.

Similarly, on 2nd July 2023, two religious sites - a Hanuman temple and a Dargah - were removed to widen a road in Bhajanpura, North-East Delhi. The Public Works Department (PWD) carried out the demolition with heavy police deployment and drone surveillance.

The issue surrounding the encroachments on railway land has drawn attention and sparked discussions between the authorities and the mosque committees. Efforts are being made to find a resolution that respects both the historical and religious significance of the mosques while adhering to legal requirements and railway safety concerns.