Save Culture Save India Foundation Urges Christopher Nolan to Remove Controversial Scene from Oppenheimer Film

Save Culture Save India Foundation expresses concern over a scene in Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer film that allegedly mocks Hinduism.

In a recent development, Save Culture Save India Foundation (SCSI) has raised concerns over the movie Oppenheimer, directed by Mr. Christopher Nolan. The Foundation has brought to Mr. Nolan's attention a scene in the film that they deem as a disturbing attack on Hinduism.

As per social media reports, the controversial scene depicts a woman making a man read the revered Hindu scripture, Bhagwad Geeta, aloud during a sexual encounter. This portrayal has deeply offended the sentiments of a billion tolerant Hindus, who consider the Geeta as one of the most revered scriptures of their faith.

The Foundation points out that the Bhagwad Geeta has been a source of inspiration for countless sanyasis, brahmacharis, and legends who lead lives of self-control and perform selfless, noble deeds. They express concern over the motivation behind including such an unnecessary scene in a film that centers around the life of a scientist, as it directly assaults the religious beliefs of the Hindu community.

The SCSI Foundation highlights the sensitivity of various agencies, media, and politics towards depictions of Quran and Islam in a manner that respects the value system of Muslims. They note that any depiction, even in films about Islamist terrorism, is carefully handled to avoid offending the sentiments of the Muslim community. They call for the same courtesy to be extended to Hindus and their revered texts.

Acknowledging Mr. Nolan's admiration and popularity in India for his filmmaking prowess, the Foundation urges him to remove the controversial scene from the Oppenheimer film. They believe that taking this step would not only establish Mr. Nolan as a sensitized human being but also garner the friendship of billions of Hindu viewers worldwide.

In the appeal to Christopher Nolan, the SCSI Foundation emphasizes the importance of upholding the dignity of the revered Bhagwad Geeta and requests the removal of the scene from the film globally. They underscore that failure to address their concerns may be construed as a deliberate assault on Indian civilization.

As the matter unfolds, the film director's response and actions will be closely watched by the public and the Hindu community at large. The SCSI Foundation remains committed to preserving India's cultural heritage and traditions and expects a positive response from Mr. Nolan in this regard.