Immigration Uganda Deports 8 Illegal Immigrants from India and Nepal Suspected of Sex Trafficking

Immigration Uganda Deports 8 Illegal Immigrants Suspected of Sex Trafficking

Kibuli, Uganda - August 2, 2023

Immigration Uganda's enforcement team took decisive action today by deporting eight illegal immigrants of Nepalese and Indian nationalities, who were discovered engaging in prostitution and other lewd acts at a bar in Kibuli. The authorities suspect that these individuals were victims of sex trafficking.

The operation, which took place after extensive surveillance and intelligence gathering, aimed to combat human trafficking and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. The deported immigrants will be sent back to their countries of origin to ensure they are safely removed from dangerous circumstances.

In a press statement, Immigration Uganda emphasized its commitment to rooting out human trafficking within its borders and stated that the suspected traffickers have been apprehended and are currently in custody. Investigations are underway to identify all involved parties and to build a strong case against those responsible.

Mr. David Mugabe, spokesperson for Immigration Uganda, stated, "Trafficking in persons is a grave violation of human rights, and we will not tolerate such heinous crimes on our soil. Our team worked tirelessly to rescue these victims and ensure their safe repatriation. We encourage the public to remain vigilant and report any suspected cases of trafficking to help us combat this ongoing issue."

Trafficking in persons is a global issue, and Uganda has been proactive in addressing this problem within its borders. The government has established measures to protect victims and prosecute perpetrators, working in collaboration with international organizations and law enforcement agencies to dismantle trafficking networks.

As this investigation unfolds, Immigration Uganda urges the public to come forward with any information that may assist in dismantling trafficking operations and bringing justice to victims. Anonymity will be protected for those who report such cases, as their cooperation plays a crucial role in combating this grave crime.

The deportation and ongoing investigation send a strong message that human trafficking will not be tolerated in Uganda, and those involved will face the full force of the law. The authorities remain committed to safeguarding the vulnerable and upholding human rights for all.