Chennai School Horror: Student Delivers Shocking Punch to Teacher While Being Awoken

Chennai High School Horror: Student Under Influence of Narcotics Attacks Teacher
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Chennai, September 6, 2023: In a shocking incident at an upper secondary school in Wimco Nagar, Chennai, a Class-12 student, allegedly under the influence of narcotics, assaulted his teacher who attempted to wake him up during a classroom session.

Wimco Nagar's Startling Classroom Clash

The incident unfolded at Wimco Nagar, a locality within Chennai, where the young student resided in Bharat Nagar, Thiruvottiyur.

Discovery of Narcotic Sachet Sparks Altercation

The unfortunate episode transpired when the vigilant instructor noticed an empty sachet of narcotic substance lying beside the dozing student. Concerned for the student's well-being, the teacher picked up the discarded sachet.

Teacher Suffers Injuries in Aggressive Outburst

In a startling turn of events, the student, seemingly agitated by the teacher's discovery, engaged in a physical altercation with the instructor. The situation escalated rapidly, resulting in injuries to the teacher, particularly around his nose and left eye. The injured teacher was promptly rushed to a private hospital located in Thiruvottiyur for medical attention.

Special Exam Arrangement Amid Absence

It's worth noting that the teaching staff reported that the student's father had sought permission for his son to take the term-2 examination. This request followed the student's absence from school on August 21, and his return to school on the day of the incident, Monday.

Principal Grants Permission for Exam

According to the school administration, the principal had granted permission for the student to appear for the commerce examination on Monday at 3:35 PM. The incident unfolded as the teacher, responsible for supervising 46 pupils, noticed one student dozing off.

Police Investigation Underway

In response to the incident, local law enforcement swiftly intervened, apprehending the student for questioning. Further investigations are currently underway to uncover all the details surrounding this alarming incident.