Supporters of Dhruv Rathee Allegedly Target the YouTuber Karolina Goswami Family in Europe

YouTuber Karolina Goswami and Family Face Attacks Abroad After Fact-Checking Dhruv Rathee
Berlin, 29 September, 2023: Prominent YouTuber Karolina Goswami, known for her fact-checking videos, and her husband Anurag Goswami have reported being attacked by supporters of pro-AAP YouTuber Dhruv Rathee during their travels in Germany and France. The attacks came in the wake of Karolina's video fact-checking Rathee's claims. The couple detailed these harrowing incidents in a video uploaded on their YouTube channel, "India in Details," where they revealed the vandalism of their car and the theft of electronic devices.

Berlin Encounter: Threats and a Hasty Retreat

The first incident unfolded in Berlin, where the Goswamis had gone to meet Bhavesh Shah, the father of baby Ariha, who had been taken by German authorities. After the meeting, they ventured out with their children, Bhevin and Milan, and encountered a subscriber. Trouble arose when Karolina began shooting a video, as supporters of Dhruv Rathee confronted them with aggressive threats, shouting, "Dhruv Rathee will destroy you, we will destroy you." Concerned for their children's safety, the Goswamis chose to leave the scene.

Paris: Car Vandalism and Abusive Confrontation

In Paris, days later, the Goswamis faced another distressing encounter with Dhruv Rathee's fans. Their car was vandalized near the Eiffel Tower, with windows smashed. When Anurag approached the damaged vehicle, the attackers verbally abused Karolina, referencing her content on Dhruv Rathee. Anurag expressed his desire to confront them but was met with their departure. Regrettably, their valuable items remained intact, except for a microphone containing data, which had been stolen.

Legal Action Taken Against Attackers

The Goswamis have taken legal action against their assailants, despite initial language barriers, successfully filing a case with the police.

Confrontation Stemming from Fact-Checking

The conflict between the YouTubers began when Karolina Goswami released a video in June 2021, fact-checking Dhruv Rathee's claims about the World Happiness Index. Her video highlighted inaccuracies in Rathee's methodology explanation, leading to a series of fact-check videos by Karolina. She had repeatedly challenged Rathee to address these concerns directly.

Karolina's Allegations Against Dhruv Rathee

Karolina accused Dhruv Rathee of being politically motivated, spreading politically charged, fabricated, and invalid content while presenting himself as an 'educator.' She demanded that Rathee apologize to viewers for disseminating false information or face more fact-checking of his content.

Past Confrontations and Attacks

This is not the first time that Karolina Goswami has faced aggression from radicalized fans of Dhruv Rathee. She previously revealed that she was attacked and abused by Rathee and his supporters after she fact-checked his videos in June 2021.

Exposing Misinformation and Setting the Record Straight

In her videos, Karolina Goswami meticulously debunked Rathee's misleading claims about the World Happiness Report, highlighting his flawed understanding of the ranking methodology. Rathee's inaccurate portrayal of data had falsely claimed that Pakistan was happier than India, a distortion that Karolina aimed to rectify through her fact-checking videos.

As this controversy continues, it raises questions about the responsibility of content creators and the impact of misinformation in the digital age. The Goswamis, with their commitment to fact-checking and truth, have become a focal point in this ongoing discourse.