DMK Leader TKS Elangovan Labels Ram Temple Event as Mythology Over History

Clash of History, Mythology, and Politics in Ayodhya's Ram Temple Saga
In a recent statement, DMK leader TKS Elangovan expressed his reservations regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi's invitation to the 'pran pratishtha' ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Elangovan's comments shed light on his perspective, framing the event as a replacement of history with mythology for political gains.

Elangovan began by questioning the significance of the Ram Temple event, stating, "What can I say? They have demolished history and replaced it with mythology. Any country should be proud of its history; it should know the history. Ram's birth is mythology; it is a story from Ramayana. It is literature." He emphasized that the temple's construction and the associated rituals were rooted in religious mythology rather than historical fact.

The DMK leader went on to critique the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), suggesting that their primary motivation behind the Ram Temple event was political gain rather than a genuine reverence for Lord Ram. Elangovan stated, "They want to replace history with mythology. That is what the BJP is trying to do. With these people in power, what can we expect?...He wants to make use of it as a political tool. He is not interested in Ram. BJP does not consider Ram as an important thing but their political gain becomes important so they are making use of Ram for their political gains."

Elangovan's remarks underline the political undertones of the Ram Temple event and his belief that the BJP is using it as a tool to further their political agenda. The criticism also raises questions about the intersection of religion, history, and politics in contemporary India, as the nation grapples with the legacy and symbolism of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.