Haryana CM's OSD Cites NASA Data: More Than Double Stubble Burning in Punjab

NASA Satellite Images Reveal Alarming Stubble Burning Discrepancy Between Punjab and Haryana
Gurugram, Haryana - Recent NASA satellite images have brought to light a stark contrast in stubble burning incidents between the neighboring states of Punjab and Haryana. Jawahar Yadav, the Officer on Special Duty (OSD) for Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, provided insights into the data, shedding light on the environmental challenges faced by the region.

As per the data obtained from NASA, the images from October 25 and 26 clearly indicate the areas affected by stubble burning in both Punjab and Haryana. Yadav pointed out a concerning trend: "More than double the instances of stubble burning have occurred in Punjab when compared to Haryana." He underlined the proactive efforts of the Haryana government in reducing stubble burning, which has contributed to a noticeable decline in such incidents.

However, what has raised eyebrows is the silence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in response to the NASA data. In a noteworthy statement, Yadav questioned Kejriwal's need for this information, stating, "He has alleged that Indian agencies are not providing data on pollution. Why does he need it now?" These remarks suggest an element of suspicion regarding Kejriwal's stance on the matter.

The revelation of the stark contrast between the two neighboring states has sparked a renewed debate on the issue of stubble burning, a significant contributor to air pollution in the region. It also raises questions about the effectiveness of policies and measures adopted by various state governments to combat this environmental menace.

The Haryana government has further bolstered its position by releasing images it claims to be sourced from NASA. These images offer visual evidence of the disparities in stubble burning incidents between Punjab and Haryana on October 25 and 26.

The situation underscores the importance of collective efforts to combat the problem of stubble burning, as the adverse impact on air quality and public health is undeniable. As environmental concerns take center stage, the data provided by NASA serves as a compelling reminder of the need for coordinated action among states in the region to address this pressing issue.