S Siddharth Pushes for Swift Action: Bihar's Bid for Special State Status Gains Momentum

Bihar's Urgent Plea: Special State Status Crucial for Rs 2.5 Lakh Crore Allocated to Landless and Homeless.
BIHAR, 22 November 2023: In a significant development for the state of Bihar, S Siddharth, the Additional Chief Secretary, has brought attention to the pressing requirement of allocating Rs 2.5 lakh crore for the noble cause of providing land to the landless and homes to families without shelter. Siddharth has underscored the critical nature of Bihar acquiring the status of a special state to facilitate the expeditious implementation of this ambitious initiative.

Expressing concern over the delays in obtaining the necessary funds, Siddharth has revealed that persistent efforts have been made through repeated appeals to the central government since the year 2010. Despite these ongoing requests, there has been a noticeable absence of decisions from the central government regarding this matter.

In response to the apparent impasse, the Cabinet convened to deliberate on the situation. It was unanimously decided in the meeting that a renewed and emphatic request would be presented to the Central Government, urging them to confer special state status upon Bihar. This, the authorities believe, would not only accelerate the allocation of funds but also streamline the process of addressing the critical needs of the landless and homeless populations within the state.

As Bihar continues to grapple with the challenges of landlessness and homelessness, the pursuit of special state status emerges as a pivotal step in unlocking the financial resources necessary to enact transformative change. The state remains hopeful that the central government will consider and expedite the granting of special state status, paving the way for the realization of this ambitious and socially impactful endeavor.