Amit Shah: 24 Seats Reserved for PoK... Lok Sabha Passes JnK Reservation and Reorganisation Bills 2023

Landmark Legislation: Lok Sabha Passes Jammu & Kashmir Reservation and Reorganisation Bills 2023
New Delhi, 6 December, 23: In a significant development, the Lok Sabha has approved the Jammu & Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, marking a crucial milestone in the region's legislative framework. The relentless efforts of Home Minister Amit Shah have played a pivotal role in pushing these bills through the parliamentary process.

Key Provisions of the Bills:

1. Expansion of Legislative Assembly: The strength of the Legislative Assembly has been increased from 83 to 90, with 43 seats allocated for Jammu and 47 for Kashmir.

2. Reserved Seats for Marginalized Communities: The bills emphasize social inclusivity by reserving 7 seats for Scheduled Castes (SC) and 9 seats for Scheduled Tribes (ST).

3. Nomination of Individuals from PoK: A notable provision allows the Lieutenant Governor (LG) to nominate one individual from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), strengthening ties and representation.

4. Empowering Kashmiri Migrant Community: The LG is mandated to nominate two individuals from the Kashmiri migrant community, ensuring diversity, and one of them must be a woman.

5. Recognition of Border Area Residents: People residing in border areas have been officially declared as socially and economically backward, opening avenues for targeted development initiatives.

In a bold statement, Home Minister Amit Shah emphasized the historical context of the legislation, highlighting the repercussions of decisions made by Prime Minister Nehru. Shah noted the adverse impact of the initial ceasefire announcement and the subsequent internationalization of the Kashmir issue at the United Nations.

"We've reserved 24 seats for Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. PoK is ours. Jammu & Kashmir has suffered most due to two blunders committed by PM Nehru - first announcing a ceasefire and then taking the Kashmir issue to the UN," stated Amit Shah, underscoring the significance of rectifying past decisions.

This legislative overhaul marks a crucial step towards addressing historical grievances and promoting equitable representation in the region. The bills reflect a strategic effort to reshape the socio-political landscape of Jammu & Kashmir and pave the way for inclusive and comprehensive development.