CISF's Swift Action: Foreign Woman Apprehended with Rs 2.45 Crore Heroin at Mumbai Airport

CISF Apprehends Foreign Woman at Mumbai Airport with Rs 2.45 Crore Worth of Narcotics.
MUMBAI, 10 December 2023: In a recent operation at Mumbai Airport, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) successfully apprehended a foreign woman passenger carrying approximately 350 grams of heroin. The estimated value of the seized narcotic substance is around Rs 2.45 crore.

The CISF, responsible for ensuring security at key installations, including airports, acted swiftly to detain the suspect. Following the apprehension, the foreign woman was promptly handed over to Customs officials for further investigation and legal proceedings.

The incident highlights the vigilance and efficiency of the CISF in safeguarding the nation's borders and preventing illegal activities. The cooperation between security agencies, such as the CISF and Customs officials, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of airport security.

The seized heroin, with a street value of Rs 2.45 crore, underscores the ongoing challenges posed by drug trafficking at international airports. Authorities remain committed to tackling such issues and ensuring the safety and well-being of the public.

As the investigation progresses, Customs officials will delve into the details surrounding the incident to uncover any potential connections or networks involved in the illegal trade of narcotics. The collaborative efforts of security forces and law enforcement agencies are essential in curbing the menace of drug trafficking and maintaining the overall security of our airports.