DPAP President Ghulam Nabi Azad Reveals Shift in Congress Stance Towards Minorities

Democratic Progressive Azad Party President Ghulam Nabi Azad Highlights Shift in Congress's Focus on Minorities.
J&K, 3 December 2023: In the aftermath of the recent election results, Ghulam Nabi Azad, the President of the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP), shed light on a notable shift in the Congress party's stance towards minorities. Azad expressed his observations over the past 20-25 days, emphasizing that the Congress, once regarded as the champion of minorities, appeared to have diverted its attention away from this crucial segment of the population.

Azad stated, "One thing that I've noticed in the last 20-25 days is that the Congress which was considered as the champion of minorities, didn't talk about the minorities... Now minorities are not in the agenda of Congress."

This statement by Azad underscores a perceived change in the Congress party's priorities, with a diminishing emphasis on minority issues. The DPAP president suggests that minorities seem to have fallen off the Congress agenda, marking a departure from their historical role as advocates for the rights and concerns of minority communities.

As the political landscape evolves, Azad's observations highlight the importance of understanding the shifting dynamics within political parties and their approach to addressing the needs of diverse populations. The implications of this change in focus on minorities by the Congress party are likely to be a topic of discussion and scrutiny in the days to come.