Olympic Medalist Bajrang Punia Returns Padma Shri in Protest Against Government's Alleged Inaction

The wrestling champion cites unaddressed issues and false assurances as reasons behind his decision to return the prestigious Padma Shri award.
New Delhi, 22 December ,2023 - In a bold and unexpected move, Olympic medalist and renowned wrestler Bajrang Punia returned his Padma Shri award by placing it on the footpath outside the Prime Minister's residence. This striking gesture comes in the wake of Punia's recent participation in a protest highlighting the alleged mistreatment and harassment faced by female wrestlers within the wrestling federation.

Punia, who is widely regarded as one of the country's top athletes and a recipient of several prestigious awards, expressed deep disappointment with the Modi government's handling of the issues raised during the protest. The wrestler accused the government of providing false assurances and suppressing their voices, leading to the decision to return the Padma Shri.

The recent controversy surrounding the wrestling federation began when female wrestlers accused the federation's president, Brijbhushan Sharan Singh, of sexual harassment. Despite a visible outcry from the wrestling community, Punia included, the situation took a controversial turn when Singh was re-elected during the recent elections of the wrestling federation.

In a statement posted on social media, Punia explained his decision, stating, "I am returning my Padma Shri award as a mark of protest against the injustices faced by our female wrestlers. The government's inaction and false assurances have compelled me to take this step."

Punia also highlighted the plight of female wrestlers who, despite their achievements, continue to face harassment and discrimination. The wrestler's return of the Padma Shri serves as a symbolic act, drawing attention to the unresolved issues within the wrestling community.

The wrestling community and sports enthusiasts have responded to Punia's move with mixed reactions. Some commend him for taking a stand against perceived injustices, while others express concern about the impact this might have on his future in the sport and his relationship with the government.

The Modi government, as of now, has not issued an official response to Punia's action. The return of the Padma Shri by a highly decorated athlete like Bajrang Punia raises questions about the challenges faced by athletes in addressing grievances and seeking justice within their respective sports federations. The spotlight now turns to the government's response and actions that may follow in the aftermath of this high-profile protest.