Prime Minister Narendra Modi Consoles VP Jagdeep Dhankhar Amid Insults in Parliament

Prime Minister Modi Consoles Vice President Dhankhar Amidst Parliamentary Drama.
DEHLI, 20 December 2023: In a recent tweet, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar shared a phone conversation with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, highlighting the Prime Minister's concern over the disruptive behavior exhibited by certain Members of Parliament within the Parliament complex.

Expressing his distress, Prime Minister Modi conveyed his empathy for Vice President Dhankhar, acknowledging the unfortunate theatrics displayed by some MPs during the parliamentary session. The Prime Minister disclosed that he, too, has faced similar insults for over two decades, emphasizing the regrettable nature of such incidents occurring within the esteemed institution.

Vice President Dhankhar, however, remained resolute in his commitment to his constitutional duties, reassuring the Prime Minister that the disruptive actions of a few individuals will not deter him from upholding the core principles embedded in the Indian Constitution. He asserted, "Prime Minister, the antics of a few won’t prevent me from performing my duty and upholding the principles enshrined in our Constitution. I am committed to those values from the bottom of my heart. None of the insults will make me change my path."

This exchange between the Prime Minister and the Vice President sheds light on the challenges faced by dignitaries within the political landscape and underscores the resilience required to navigate such situations while upholding democratic values. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining decorum and respect within the parliamentary setting, regardless of differing opinions or political affiliations.