Historic Findings: Gyanvapi Mosque Built After Destruction of Hindu Temple, ASI Reports

Inscription Unveiling: ASI records 34 inscriptions, including names of deities, supporting the Hindu side's claim.
UP, 26 January, 24: In a groundbreaking development, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has presented a detailed report on the Gyanvapi case, shedding light on the historical complexities surrounding the disputed site in Varanasi. The revelations from the ASI's study have added a new dimension to the long-standing dispute between the Hindu and Muslim communities.

Archaeological Revelations in Varanasi: ASI Finds Inscriptions Confirming Preexisting Hindu Temple

The ASI's comprehensive study involved a meticulous examination of the Gyanvapi Mosque in Varanasi, leading to the discovery of inscriptions and carvings that validate the existence of a preexisting Hindu temple. According to the report, a total of 34 inscriptions were recorded, featuring names of deities such as Janardana, Rudra, and Umeshwara, written in Devanagari, Grantha, Telugu, and Kannada scripts. This compelling evidence suggests the reuse of materials from an earlier Hindu structure during the construction or repair of the existing mosque.

Historic Findings: Gyanvapi Mosque Built After Destruction of Hindu Temple, ASI Reports

The ASI's findings indicate that the Gyanvapi Mosque was constructed after the destruction of a significant Sanatani Temple. The report highlights that the western wall, estimated to be around 5000 years old, belonged to a Hindu temple and displayed carvings of Hindu deities. Additionally, the presence of broken idols and an inscription installed by Aurangzeb affirm the ASI's conclusion that the mosque was built upon the remnants of a Hindu temple.

Legal Battle Over Gyanvapi Intensifies: ASI Points to Carvings, Inscriptions, and Broken Idols

The ASI's detailed report has intensified the legal battle over the Gyanvapi case. Advocates representing the Hindu side, including Vishnu Shankar Jain and others, have presented the findings as crucial evidence in favor of the temple's existence. The discovery of inscriptions in multiple languages, along with carvings and broken idols, reinforces the narrative of a Hindu temple predating the construction of the mosque.

Ayodhya-like Revelation: Gyanvapi ASI Report Spurs Hope for Resolution in Temple-Mosque Dispute

The revelations from the ASI's study draw parallels with the Ayodhya dispute, where similar archaeological evidence played a pivotal role in the Supreme Court's verdict. This has sparked hope among the Hindu community for a resolution to the Gyanvapi case, paving the way for a peaceful coexistence and respectful acknowledgment of the site's historical significance.

Religious Tensions Rise: ASI Discloses Proof of Temple, Advocates Gear Up for Supreme Court Battle

While the ASI's report aims to provide clarity on the historical context of the Gyanvapi site, it has also heightened religious tensions. Advocates on both sides are gearing up for a legal battle in the Supreme Court, where the fate of the disputed site will be determined. The findings have further intensified the importance of respecting court decisions and fostering communal harmony.

Hope for Resolution: ASI's findings draw parallels with Ayodhya, offering optimism for a peaceful resolution.

Precedent for Harmony: Swami Chakrapani Maharaj urges the Muslim side to acknowledge historical injustices and support Hindu rights.