Survey Insights: Ram Mandir Dynamics Shape Public Opinion with 51% Predicting BJP's Advantage

Temple Talk: A closer look at survey results shows a divide in public opinion, with 54% foreseeing Ram Mandir as a crucial electoral issue.
New Delhi, 24 January, 24: In a significant revelation, the latest ABP CVoter Survey has unveiled intriguing insights into public opinion surrounding the Ram Mandir event. A staggering 51% of respondents expressed the belief that the BJP would gain substantial benefits from the monumental occasion, while only 33% disagreed.

Ram Mandir as a Pivotal Issue

The survey further delved into the perception of the Ram Mandir becoming a prominent electoral issue. A notable 54% of respondents anticipated the temple's significance, contrasting with 30% who dismissed its potential impact.

Disagreement with Shankaracharyas' Opposition

Expressing dissent, 52% of participants disagreed with the opposition posed by Shankaracharyas, asserting their disagreement with their stance. In contrast, a mere 24% supported the religious leaders' opposition to the Ram Mandir event.

Divided Opinions on Opposition's Absence

The survey also gauged public sentiment regarding the absence of opposition figures at the Ram temple's inauguration. A clear majority, 54%, believed that the opposition's decision to stay away was wrong, while only 22% concurred with their choice.

Political Landscape Shaped by Ram Mandir Dynamics

As the ABP CVoter Survey unfolds, it becomes evident that the Ram Mandir event has a substantial impact on public sentiment. The anticipation of significant political benefits for the BJP, coupled with divided opinions on the temple's relevance as an electoral issue, highlights the intricate dynamics shaping the political landscape. The disagreement with Shankaracharyas' opposition and the perceived misstep by the opposition in avoiding the event further underscore the nuanced perspectives surrounding this momentous occasion.