Landmark Victory: Court Approves Worship at 'Vyas Ka Tekhana' in Gyanvapi Case

Court Greenlights Worship at 'Vyas Ka Tekhana' in Gyanvapi Case.
UTTAR PRADESH, 1 February 2024: In a momentous decision, the court has granted permission for a worship ceremony at 'Vyas Ka Tekhana' as part of the ongoing Gyanvapi case. Advocate Sohan Lal Arya, visibly elated, shared his sentiments, expressing immense pride in the unprecedented ruling.

"We are feeling very proud today. The court's decision yesterday was unprecedented," Arya declared. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as arrangements have been meticulously made for the sacred ritual. However, as of now, 'Vyas Ka Tekhana' remains closed to devotees.

The court's nod for the puja marks a significant milestone in the legal proceedings surrounding the Gyanvapi case. Arya emphasized the historic nature of the decision, underlining the importance of this moment for those involved.

Despite the preparations in place, the revered space awaits the moment when it will be unveiled for the devotees to partake in the religious ceremonies. As developments unfold, we will continue to provide updates on this noteworthy chapter in the Gyanvapi case. Stay tuned for further insights into the evolving situation.