Supreme Court Upholds Rajasthan Government's Two-Child Policy for Government Jobs

Landmark Decision: SC Approves Population Control Measure in Rajasthan
Delhi, 29 February, 24: In a significant move aimed at curbing population growth, the Supreme Court has given its stamp of approval to the Rajasthan government's "Two-Child Rule." Under this policy, individuals with more than two children will be ineligible for government jobs in the state.

This decision marks a pivotal step towards addressing the pressing issue of overpopulation in Rajasthan and sets a precedent for other states grappling with similar challenges. The implementation of the two-child norm aims to promote family planning and ensure sustainable population growth.

The Supreme Court's decision aligns with its previous rulings endorsing similar measures, particularly concerning candidates participating in Panchayat elections. By extending this policy to government job aspirants, the court underscores the importance of prioritizing population control initiatives across various sectors.

Rajasthan's adoption of the two-child rule reflects a proactive approach by state authorities to tackle demographic concerns and foster socio-economic development. By incentivizing smaller families, the government aims to alleviate the strain on resources and enhance the overall quality of life for its citizens.

This landmark ruling is expected to have far-reaching implications, not only within Rajasthan but also on a national scale. It sends a clear message about the urgency of addressing population growth as a critical component of sustainable development efforts.

As Rajasthan takes decisive action to implement the two-child policy, all eyes are on other states to follow suit and embrace similar measures to ensure a more balanced and prosperous future for generations to come.

Stay tuned for further updates as the implementation of the two-child policy unfolds, reshaping the landscape of public employment in Rajasthan.