India Conveys Strong Protest to German Deputy Chief of Mission Over Comments on Internal Affairs

Upholding Sovereignty: India Asserts Independence of Judiciary Amidst External Criticism
Delhi, 23 March, 24: In a diplomatic exchange fraught with tension, India summoned the German Deputy Chief of Mission in New Delhi today to convey a resolute protest regarding recent comments made by the German Foreign Office Spokesperson concerning India's internal affairs.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) expressed India's vehement objection to what it perceives as unwarranted interference in the nation's judicial process and a blatant disregard for the independence of its judiciary. Characterizing India as a vibrant and robust democracy governed by the rule of law, the MEA emphasized the importance of allowing the legal system to function independently, free from external influence.

Highlighting the fundamental principle that the law must be allowed to take its own course in all legal matters, both within India and across democratic nations, the MEA denounced any biased assumptions made regarding the case in question as entirely unjustified.

This exchange underscores the significance of respecting the sovereignty of nations and refraining from making comments that could be perceived as meddling in their internal affairs. As tensions persist, both India and Germany navigate the delicate balance of diplomatic relations amidst differing perspectives on matters of national importance.