Mary Millben Hails CAA Implementation as "Pathway Towards Peace" and "True Act of Democracy"

African-American Actress and Singer Applauds Indian Government's Decision to Implement Citizenship Amendment Act
Mary Millben Hails CAA Implementation as "Pathway Towards Peace" and "True Act of Democracy"

11 March, 24: In a tweet expressing her support for the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), American actress and singer Mary Millben lauded the move as a "pathway towards peace" and a "true act of democracy." The CAA, which aims to provide Indian nationality to persecuted non-Muslim migrants from neighboring countries, has been a subject of both support and controversy since its inception.

Mary Millben, known for her advocacy for religious freedom on a global scale, emphasized her Christian faith and commitment to promoting tolerance and acceptance. She commended the Modi-led government for extending a compassionate hand to those facing persecution, particularly minorities such as Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, and Parsis from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.

The CAA, which was passed by the Indian Parliament in December 2019, allows eligible migrants who entered India before 2015 to apply for citizenship. The Act excludes Muslim migrants, leading to debates about its constitutionality and implications for India's secular identity.

Millben's tweet expressed gratitude towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and the Indian government for their leadership in upholding religious freedom and providing sanctuary to persecuted individuals. Her message resonated with supporters of the CAA, who view it as a humanitarian gesture towards those fleeing religious persecution in neighboring countries.

The tweet by Mary Millben adds to the ongoing discourse surrounding the CAA and its impact on India's social fabric and international relations. While some applaud its humanitarian objectives, others criticize it for allegedly discriminating against Muslim migrants and undermining India's secular principles. As the implementation of the CAA progresses, it continues to be a topic of debate and discussion both within India and on the global stage.