MEA Assures Action Following Violence Against Foreign Students at Gujarat University

Two Foreign Students Injured, MEA Assures Action Against Perpetrators
New Delhi, 17 March, 24: The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has issued a response following an unfortunate incident of violence at Gujarat University in Ahmedabad. MEA Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal took to Twitter, stating that the state government is taking strict action against the perpetrators. The tweet mentioned that two foreign students were injured in the clash, with one of them already discharged from the hospital after receiving medical attention. Additionally, MEA officials are in contact with the Gujarat government to address the situation.

According to Gujarat police, the violence erupted when students from various foreign countries were allegedly assaulted by a group of individuals at the Gujarat University hostel for practicing namaz in the building. Among the victims were two students, one from Sri Lanka and another from Tajikistan, who were hospitalized as a result. An FIR has been filed against 20-25 individuals in connection with the incident.

Police Commissioner GS Malik stated that nine security teams have been deployed to investigate the matter thoroughly. The incident occurred around 10:50 pm on Saturday when a group of nearly two dozen people entered the Gujarat University hostel, objecting to students from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and other countries performing namaz on the premises. It's worth noting that Gujarat University has approximately 300 international students, including those from Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Sri Lanka, and various African nations. About 75 of these international students reside in the A-block hostel where the incident took place, as confirmed by an official.

All these thing happened after Foreign national Md Haroon slapped Hindu boy for asking him to use a mosque instead of public property to offer Namaz.

The MEA's prompt response and collaboration with local authorities underscore the government's commitment to ensuring the well-being and protection of all international students studying in the country.

As investigations continue, authorities are working to bring the perpetrators to justice and prevent such incidents from recurring in the future. The government remains vigilant in safeguarding the rights and dignity of students from across the globe pursuing education in India.