UP: Man Sentenced to Life Imprisonment for Deceiving and Converting Hindu Woman

Mohammad Anees Ahmed Receives Life Sentence Under Uttar Pradesh's Religious Conversion Act
Uttar Pradesh, 7 March, 24: On March 6th, Mohammad Anees Ahmed, a resident of Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, was handed a life sentence by a SC/ST court in Bulandshahr for deceitfully trapping a Hindu woman, concealing his identity, and forcibly converting her to Islam. This landmark verdict, delivered under the Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Act of Uttar Pradesh, marks a significant milestone in legal history.

Anees Ahmed, assuming the alias of Akash, cunningly befriended a Dalit woman from Mangolpuri, Delhi, eventually luring her to Gulaothi, Bulandshahr, where they began cohabitating in a rented accommodation. Over time, he exploited her vulnerability and initiated physical relations under false promises of marriage.

Upon revealing his true religious identity, Anees forcibly converted the woman to Islam, renaming her Ayesha. Subsequently, he callously abandoned her, absconding with her savings of Rs 2.50 lakh and her gold jewelry. In a final act of cruelty, he hurled casteist slurs at her over the phone, refusing any further communication.

The victim's ordeal came to light on April 27, 2022, when she lodged a formal complaint. The ensuing investigation, conducted under the aegis of "Operation Conviction," spearheaded by the state's Director General of Police, culminated in Anees Ahmed's conviction.

The chargesheet, meticulously prepared by the police, included sections 376(2), 420, and 406 of the Indian Penal Code, alongside provisions of the SC/ST Act and the Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Act. Anees Ahmed was found guilty on all counts and handed a life sentence, accompanied by a hefty fine of Rs 4.56 lakhs, with a substantial portion earmarked for compensating the victim.

The Additional Superintendent of Police lauded the expeditious handling of the case, highlighting the swift production of witnesses, including the victim's medical examiner, who testified via video conferencing due to prior commitments. This exemplary judgment sets a precedent in the enforcement of the Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Ordinance, 2020.

Anees Ahmed's deceitful actions, masquerading as Akash to prey upon a vulnerable woman and coercively converting her, underscore the importance of safeguarding individual rights and upholding the rule of law. Today's verdict serves as a beacon of justice for victims of similar crimes and a stern warning to perpetrators seeking to exploit religious sentiments for nefarious ends.