A Woman Receives 1800 Years in Prison: Justice Served for Istiklal Avenue Attack

Justice Served: Verdict Reflects Turkey's Commitment to Combat Terrorism
A Turkish court has handed down a life sentence to Ahlam Albashir, a Syrian national, for her role in the 2022 bombing that claimed the lives of six people on Istanbul's main shopping street. The verdict, obtained by Reuters, revealed that six Turkish citizens, two from each of three families, were among the victims of the November 13, 2022, attack. The explosion also left approximately 100 people wounded on the bustling street crowded with shoppers and tourists.

Albashir, identified by police as the perpetrator of the bombing, received a total of seven life sentences from the court. The case involved over 30 other defendants, with four of them released from prison on Friday. Additionally, the court ordered ten defendants to be tried separately as they could not be located.

Twenty other defendants received prison sentences ranging from 4 years to life. Notably, six individuals were given aggravated life imprisonment for charges including "disrupting the unity and integrity of the state" and "intentional murder."

Turkey attributed the bombing to Kurdish militants, alleging that the attack was ordered from Kobani in northern Syria, where Turkish forces have conducted operations against a Syrian Kurdish militia in recent years. However, both the Kurdish militia and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party), a banned militant group, denied involvement in the attack. No group has claimed responsibility for the bombing.

The incident adds to Istanbul's history of attacks by Kurdish, Islamist, and leftist militants. A surge in bombings and other assaults began nationwide after a ceasefire between Ankara and the PKK collapsed in mid-2015.

The PKK's conflict with Turkey has claimed over 40,000 lives since the militant group initiated its armed struggle in 1984. The organization is classified as a terrorist entity by Turkey, the European Union, and the United States.

The sentencing of Albashir serves as a significant development in Turkey's fight against terrorism and underscores the country's commitment to holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. As Istanbul continues to grapple with the aftermath of such attacks, the verdict offers a sense of closure to the victims' families while signaling Turkey's determination to maintain security and stability in the region.