JKNC Chief Farooq Abdullah Reacts to Defence Minister's Statement on PoK

Nuclear Concerns: Abdullah Warns of Pakistan's Atom Bombs
JKNC Chief Farooq Abdullah Reacts to Defence Minister's Statement on PoK

In response to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh's recent statement about the potential merger of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) with India, Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (JKNC) Chief Farooq Abdullah has offered his perspective.

Speaking from Srinagar, Farooq Abdullah addressed Singh's statement, saying, "If the defence minister is saying it then go ahead. Who are we to stop. But remember, they (Pakistan) are also not wearing bangles. It has atom bombs, and unfortunately, that atom bomb will fall on us."

Abdullah's statement underscores the complexities and risks involved in the longstanding territorial dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.

The Defence Minister's remark had stirred debate and speculation regarding the possibility of India asserting control over PoK. Rajnath Singh had made the statement during a public address, asserting India's claim over the region.

Farooq Abdullah's response reflects the cautious approach required in handling sensitive geopolitical matters, particularly those involving nuclear-armed nations like India and Pakistan.

The issue of Kashmir has been a source of tension between the two countries for decades, with both sides claiming sovereignty over the entire region.

Abdullah's acknowledgment of Pakistan's nuclear capabilities highlights the potential dangers of escalating tensions in the region. His remarks serve as a reminder of the need for diplomatic efforts to resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully.

As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the Indian government will proceed in its approach towards PoK and the broader Kashmir issue, amidst the complexities and challenges posed by regional geopolitics.