Amit Shah Condemns Attack on Pilgrims in Reasi, JnK; Vows Justice

Firm Assurance: Culprits Will Face Wrath of the Law
Amit Shah Condemns Attack on Pilgrims in Reasi, J&K; Vows Justice

Union Minister Amit Shah expressed his deep sorrow over the recent terrorist attack on pilgrims in Reasi, Jammu & Kashmir, through a post on X (formerly Twitter). Shah assured the nation that the culprits behind this heinous act would face the full force of the law.

Amit Shah's Statement

"Deeply pained by the incident of the attack on pilgrims in Reasi, J&K. Spoke to the Lieutenant Governor and the DGP, J&K, and inquired about the incident. The culprits of this dastardly attack will not be spared and will face the wrath of the law. The local administration is working on a war footing to provide immediate medical attention. May the Almighty give the loved ones of the deceased the strength to bear this pain. I also pray for the speedy recovery of the injured," Shah posted.

Immediate Response and Ongoing Efforts

The Union Minister's prompt communication with the Lieutenant Governor and the Director General of Police (DGP) underscores the government's swift response to the tragedy. Local authorities are currently working tirelessly to provide necessary medical care to the injured and to ensure the safety and security of the area.

Nationwide Reaction

The attack, which resulted in multiple casualties and injuries, has sparked widespread outrage and grief across the country. Leaders from various political factions have joined in condemning the act and calling for robust measures to combat terrorism.

Ensuring Justice

Amit Shah's firm statement highlights the government's commitment to ensuring that those responsible for the attack are brought to justice. The administration's quick action in securing the area and providing aid to victims reflects a coordinated effort to handle the situation effectively.

As the nation mourns the loss of innocent lives, the government's resolve to bring the perpetrators to justice remains steadfast. Amit Shah's message offers both condolences to the affected families and a stern warning to those who threaten the peace and security of the country.