Karnataka Police Serve Notice to Right-Wing Journalist Ajeet Bharti; UP Police Intervene

Unexpected Visit: Karnataka police arrive at Ajeet Bharti’s residence to serve a notice.

Noida, Uttar Pradesh, June 19, 2024 – In a surprising turn of events, Karnataka police arrived at the residence of right-wing journalist Ajeet Bharti to serve him a notice. The situation quickly escalated as local Noida police intervened.

According to reports, three plainclothes Karnataka police officers arrived at Ajeet Bharti’s Noida residence on Thursday, June 20, 2024, without any prior notification. They handed a notice to Bharti regarding a recent case filed against him. The Karnataka police personnel did not have local police support at the time of their visit.

Ajeet Bharti stated that the Karnataka police officers had notified the local UP police station but proceeded to his residence without their accompaniment. The officers arrived in a cab and were not in uniform. Upon noticing suspicious activity around his home, Bharti and his family alerted the local police station, leading to the prompt arrival of Noida police who then escorted the Karnataka officers away.

The notice handed to Bharti by the Karnataka police pertains to a case registered against him at the High Grounds police station in Bengaluru. The FIR, filed on June 15, 2024, by the Karnataka Congress Committee’s Legal Cell Secretary, Beke Bopanna, alleges that Bharti created a video about Rahul Gandhi with the intent to incite hatred and hostility in society. The notice mandates Bharti to appear at the High Grounds police station within seven days.

The Congress governments are seizing every opportunity to suppress nationalist voices. The Karnataka Congress government has now sent police to the house of journalist Ajeet Bharti. According to Bharti, the officers gave him the notice without prior warning, and no local police accompanied them.

This incident has sparked considerable attention on social media, with various reactions and speculations regarding the motives and implications of this police action. Some users questioned why such actions were taken against Bharti while other controversial figures seem to face no consequences. The court’s clearance and the required changes highlight ongoing debates about content standards and freedom of expression.