PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates New Campus of Nalanda University, Reaffirming Commitment to Education and Innovation

Revival of Ancient Institution After Centuries, Marks Significant Milestone

Patna, Bihar, June 19, 2024 – Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the inauguration of the new campus of Nalanda University today, emphasizing the government's commitment to fostering learning, research, and innovation. In his post on X, PM Modi stated, "Today, we are inaugurating the new campus of Nalanda University. It is a reiteration of our commitment to encourage learning, research and innovation. It is also an effort to draw the best scholars from the world to come and pursue their education in our country."

The revival of Nalanda University, which lay in ruins for centuries, marks a significant milestone. It has taken 831 years to reclaim the glory of this ancient institution, which was originally destroyed by an arson attack led by Bakhtiyar Khalji. Historical accounts suggest that the fires set by Khalji's forces burned for over three months, obliterating approximately nine million books and manuscripts.

The new campus aims to attract top scholars from around the globe, restoring Nalanda's reputation as a premier center of education and scholarship. This initiative reflects India's dedication to reestablishing its historical educational prominence and promoting global academic collaboration.