In a dramatic turn of events, the Maharashtra Assembly witnessed a stormy session as MLAs from the Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) faction (SSUBT) refused to take their oaths of office. The protest, led by Aditya Thackeray, erupted following the recently concluded Maharashtra elections, where SSUBT secured only 21 seats.
Aditya Thackeray, expressing his discontent, outrightly rejected the election results, alleging discrepancies in the electoral process. Speaking to the media, he declared, “This is not the mandate of Maharashtra; this is the mandate of EVMs.” He further noted that no celebrations had been observed across the state to mark the victory of the ruling coalition, adding weight to his claims of widespread dissatisfaction.
Social Media Outcry
Taking to social media platform X, Aditya Thackeray reiterated the faction’s stance:
“The MVA’s elected candidates did not take oath today in the assembly. This is our protest against the murder of democracy at the hands of the Election Commission of India and the government.”
He highlighted that citizens in Markadwadi, a key district in the state, had planned a mock poll using paper ballots to verify the voting pattern. However, the administration reportedly imposed a curfew to suppress these efforts. “Even though not much would have changed in terms of government formation, the truth would have come to light,” he stated, emphasizing that citizens were under siege in a supposed democratic nation.
Reports also surfaced of arrests being made in Markadwadi the night before the planned mock poll, further fueling public outrage. Aditya Thackeray slammed these actions as a “mockery of democracy,” accusing the government of using the Election Commission as a tool to suppress dissent.
Call for Transparent Voting
The SSUBT faction has demanded that mock polls using paper ballots be conducted across Maharashtra to verify the authenticity of the election results. Aditya Thackeray vowed to continue fighting for democratic rights, asserting that the election results do not reflect the will of the people but are a product of manipulated electronic voting machines (EVMs).
“This mandate belongs to the Election Commission and EVMs, not Maharashtra. We demand transparency. Let mock polls happen statewide, on ballot paper,” he urged.
A Brewing Political Crisis
The refusal of SSUBT MLAs to take their oaths has sparked a political crisis in Maharashtra, raising questions about the credibility of the electoral process and the role of the Election Commission. With the opposition challenging the government’s legitimacy, the state may witness prolonged unrest and intensified political battles in the coming days.
As the situation unfolds, the SSUBT’s protest signals a deepening divide in Maharashtra’s political landscape, with democracy itself at the center of the debate.