Chennai: A significant controversy unfolded today in the Tamil Nadu Assembly as allegations surfaced regarding the omission of the National Anthem during the proceedings. The incident occurred during the arrival of the Governor to the House, where only the Tamil Thaai Vaazhthu (State Anthem) was sung, raising concerns over adherence to Constitutional duties.
The Indian Constitution emphasizes respect for the National Anthem as a Fundamental Duty under Article 51A. Traditionally, the National Anthem is sung in state legislatures at the beginning and end of the Governor’s address. However, the absence of the National Anthem during today’s session led the Governor to remind the House of its Constitutional obligation.
In a formal appeal, the Governor urged the Hon'ble Chief Minister, who serves as the Leader of the House, and the Hon'ble Speaker, to ensure the National Anthem was sung. However, the request was reportedly declined, a move that has drawn sharp criticism.
Expressing deep anguish over what he termed as a "brazen disrespect to the Constitution and the National Anthem," the Governor chose to leave the Assembly. The incident has sparked widespread debate, with several voices expressing concern over the perceived disregard for national symbols.
The episode has added a new layer to the ongoing tensions between the state government and the Governor, raising questions about the sanctity of Constitutional duties and traditions. As the issue continues to garner attention, political and public reactions are expected to shape the narrative further.
This incident highlights the importance of respecting national symbols and adhering to the principles enshrined in the Constitution, which form the foundation of India's democratic ethos.