Jalgaon, Maharashtra: In a shocking incident, the Taptiganga Express, carrying Hindu pilgrims traveling from Surat, Gujarat, to Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh, was attacked near Jalgaon. Miscreants reportedly pelted stones at the train, targeting the B6 coach.
The attack has raised serious concerns about the safety of devotees undertaking religious journeys. Eyewitnesses from the train described the sudden pelting of stones, causing panic among the passengers.
Swift Action Ordered
Following the incident, the BJP-led government immediately ordered an investigation to identify the culprits behind this act. Local law enforcement and railway authorities have intensified security measures and are conducting thorough inquiries to ensure such incidents do not recur.
Echoes of Past Incidents
The attack has drawn parallels to previous instances of violence targeting Hindu pilgrims, raising questions about the recurring pattern of such events during religious festivals. It also underscores the need for enhanced safety measures for passengers, particularly during large-scale religious events like the Maha Kumbh.
Assurance of Safety
Railway authorities have assured passengers of heightened vigilance, with additional personnel deployed along vulnerable routes. Political leaders and community representatives have condemned the act, calling for swift justice and stringent action against the perpetrators.
A Call for Accountability
As millions prepare to travel to Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh, this incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by devotees. Ensuring their safety remains a critical priority for authorities.
Stay tuned for updates as the investigation progresses.